Gateway to Israel
Gateway to Israel
For international companies, we provide local services to assimilate in the Israeli market:
Our services include:
Tracking a local dealer – B2C / B2B
Tracking a local franchisee
Locating B2B potential clients
Market research, including competitors' positioning map
Local advertising for SAAS services
Certification and local law administration processes
According to the International Monetary Fund, Israel’s 2021 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) real growth increased by 8.19% over 2020. GDP Per Capita, Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), increased from $44,181 in 2020 to $51,416 in2021 and Israel’s 2021 inflation rate increased to 1.5% from -0.6% in 2020. Israel’s 2021 unemployment rate (% of labor force) was 3.9%, compared to 4.96% in 2020. In 2020, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the United States by Israel totaled $29.1 billion, and U.S. FDI in Israel totaled $40.4 billion.
The Israeli economy has rebounded strongly from the COVID-19 pandemic and has proven resilient to the repercussions of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Inflation has risen above the central bank’s target range amid strong demand and a tight labour market. Demographic challenges, related to the rising share of population groups with weak labour market attachment and ageing, will put pressure on future growth and fiscal sustainability. Addressing these challenges and reducing large labour market disparities will require setting appropriate work incentives and providing better support for working parents; improving skills at all stages of the learning cycle; as well as increasing mobility and reallocation towards high productivity jobs and firms, in particular in the high-tech sector. To maintain good health outcomes, emerging doctor shortages need to be addressed and the interaction between the public and private health care sector reformed. Reducing digital gaps across households and firms, by improving digital infrastructure, upgrading skills, raising competition and reducing financing constraints, can boost productivity growth and narrow the productivity divide between the high-tech sector and the rest of the economy. Fully harnessing Israel’s solar energy potential can help accelerate the green transition.
Israel’s GDP per person employed has, for the last several years, stood at 65% of the comparable US figure, and at 85% of the OECD average.
Israel’s poor labor productivity is also related to its low level of public capital (including transportation, education, and healthcare infrastructure) which has steadily eroded from a ratio almost equal to that of the OECD countries half a century ago to a ratio half that of the OECD average today.
Based on the assessment methods commonly employed in economic research, had Israel’s public-capital-to GDP ratio been similar to that of the OECD countries, its GDP per person employed (and, as a result, its wage levels) would have been about 16 percentage points higher, reaching the OECD average.
Israel’s fiscal policy in recent years has caused the country to surpass its legally-mandated deficit and spending limits. Compared to a deficit of 2.9% of GDP in 2018, according to reports by the Ministry of Finance, the deficit is expected to reach 4% of GDP in 2019, and 4.5% by 2022.