Business data analysis
Business Analytics (BA) is a group of disciplines and technologies for solving business problems through data analysis, statistical models and quantitative and qualitative methods. The process requires methodical management of the organization's data, with an emphasis on analysis to drive decision making.
In a world of cumulative information, convenient tools for gathering and obtaining information - making non-information-based business decisions jeopardize business continuity.
Some data on the subject:
About 3 out of 4 surveyed marketing leaders (76 percent) base data analysis decisions.
In the survey, 32 percent of marketers identified marketing analysis and competitive insights as the most important factors in supporting their marketing strategies over the past 18 months.
Marketing analytics is the highest investment for marketers, accounting for 16 percent of their annual budgets.
(Marketing Evolution 2022)
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The promise
Extensive knowledge, accuracy in data, deepening, relevance, timeliness, willingness to help
Customer research
Understanding the customer in a scientific way enables growth, positive business risk management and the continued establishment of the organization
Business data analysis
Analyzing existing cumulative data in the business, the business truth is there

Improving the telephone sales system
Improving the results of a telephone sales system or improving an array Telephone services
Establishment of a sales network
Establishing a sales system for the organization in accordance with the organization's goals
Creating a winning value proposition
Building a clear, and unique value proposition Experienced managers can also challenge.